36 goals, some big some small, for 2017 (in no particular order) listed below. 2017 turned out to be a very challenging year due to a weekly commute between Austin and Dallas. Very few of my goals were achieved during 2017, but I've kept the list, will tackle the outstanding goals in later years, and will note the year that goals not completed in 2017 were finally crossed off the list.
  1. Read one work-related article each business day
  2. Implement stronger boundaries at work (slipped to 2018--required leaving law firm life)
  3. Be good to the people I care about--show up!
  4. Work at being warmer in my personal relationship
  5. Move in together
  6. Plan a weekend away in the spring/summer
  7. Plan a weekend away in the fall/winter
  8. Read 12 books
  9. Try 12 new main dish recipes (slipped to 2018)
  10. Try 6 new dessert recipes (slipped to 2018)
  11. Laser my age spots
  12. Draw something! (slipped to 2019)
  13. Implement some sort of skincare routine (slipped to 2019)
  14. Add some strength training to exercise routine (slipped to 2020)
  15. Plan a spa day
  16. Replace morning Diet Coke with green tea or water
  17. Take a daily multi-vitamin (slipped to 2020)
  18. Max out my annual 401(k) contributions
  19. Maintain side hustle
  20. Hit net worth goal
  21. Pay off 0% mattress loan
  22. Pay off final loan
  23. Replace car with something safer
  24. Finish one Christmas stocking
  25. Cull the master closet
  26. Repaint garage (slipped to 2020)
  27. Repaint utility closet (slipped to 2018)
  28. Learn how to take better care of the lawn (slipped to 2021)
  29. Replace couch (slipped to 2020)
  30. Attend 12 yoga classes (slipped to 2023)
  31. Find console table for entry
  32. Pass the CIPP certification test
  33. Learn some Spanish
  34. Develop personal style
  35. Assemble gallery wall for master bedroom
  36. Hang wall mirror

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