I've been in Tokyo for more than a month now. I miss my family, Ben and California a lot and, most of the time, have no idea how I'll stick around until next October... so I'm trying to take things day by day and stay focused on why I'm here.
My main goals are to get substantive experience at work and improve my financial circumstances in order to give me more (job) market power and flexibility when I get home. Happily, there's been some progress on this front.
This month, I've been participating in drafting a shareholders agreement for a cross-border joint venture in addition to the usual ancillary document and signature page management. I'm trying to get the opportunity to do as much drafting as possible while I'm here (at home the only drafting I've been getting is on pro bono projects). So, I'll count this a success.
On the financial front, I paid off another student loan and made a larger contribution to my savings than usual.
Sorry you're having a tough time right now... moving to a new place is always hard, even if the culture and language are familiar, so I can only imagine what it must be like to be living in a place that is so different from home. I'm sure it will get better once you stick it out past the first few months! And meanwhile, yay for paying off student loans.
thanks CM. trying to stay focused on the positive!
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